
Cashkaro vs Letyshops - The Difference between Cashkaro & Letyshops | Which is best?

Cashkaro vs Letyshops - The Difference between Cashkaro & Letyshops | Which is best?



We are here to explain the difference between Cashkaro, Letyshops. But we need to know about these apps first. These platforms are doing affiliate marketing for huge number of online marketplace. If we are purchasing some products through this apps, then they will earn some commissions. Atlast they are giving some percentage of commission for us. So we can earn cashback for our online purchases. Lets enter into difference. Cashkaro app has more than 2000 online marketplaces including Amazon and Myntra on their platform. Flipkart will be sometimes available and sometimes not available. Cashback commission is based on percentage. We will earn cashback according to commission. It is easy to earn a quite good amount. Minimum withdrawal amount is Rs 250. We have to wait until reach Rs 250. We can withdraw amount to our bank through NEFT payment. Amazon and Flipkart Gift Vouchers also available to withdraw. You can refer your friends to cashkaro. If your friend signed up using your referral code, then you will receive 10% of commission for his purchases. Do you want to get Rs 70 bonus from cashkaro? If yes, then click the button below.

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Letyshops app also has more than 2000 online marketplace. But we can't get cashback for all Amazon products. We can earn cashback for some amazon category products only. Cashback commission is based on percentage. We will earn cashback according to commission like cashkaro. It is also easy to earn a quite good amount. Minimum withdrawal amount is Rs 250. So We have to wait until reach Rs 250. We can withdraw amount to our bank through Bank Transfer, PayPal and UPI. You can refer your friends to letyshops. If your friend signed up using your referral code, then you will receive Rs 70 when he complete his first order. You and your friend will receive Rs 70. So it is win-win referral program. Do you want to get Rs 70 bonus from letyshops? If yes, then click button below.

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Which One I will Prefer? My Experience...

From my experience with these platforms last five years, I am using both Cashkaro and Letyshops. Flipkart is sometimes available in Cashkaro and sometime in Letyshops. If I want to purchase from Flipkart, then I will search in both Cashkaro and Letyshops. The same way for Amazon purchases. We will mostly purchase from Amazon and Flipkart. For these two E-commerce platforms, I prefer both Cashkaro and Letyshops. Other than these Amazon and Flipkart, I will strongly suggest Cashkaro for your purchases from Myntra, Ajio, Big Basket and etc. Because Cashkaro provides a higher percentage of cashback than Letyshops. I have attached both Cashkaro and Letyshops links here to get a signup bonus from both platforms. Happy Shopping... Happy Cashback...

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